Smart Insurance Solutions for AMWU Members

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Making a Claim

Emergency Transport Cover

The following steps should be completed as soon as you receive your Emergency Transport (Ambulance) Invoice;

  1. Complete an Emergency Transport Cover Claim Form
  2. Send your completed claim form along with a copy of your unpaid Emergency Transport (ambulance) Invoice to Coverforce using the details below;
    • Fax: (02) 9223 1422
    • Email:
    • Post: Locked Bag 5273, Sydney NSW 2001
    • Alternately, you can deliver your claim documents in person to your local Coverforce or AMWU office.

What if I have already paid my Emergency Transport (ambulance) Invoice?
No problem, we will reimburse you once your claim is accepted. You will need to include proof of payment along with your claims form and invoice. Proof of payment could be a receipt from the post office, a BPay receipt printout or a copy of your bank statement showing the payment.

Funeral Benefits

The following steps should be completed as soon as possible.

  1. Complete a Funeral Benefit claim form
  2. Send a certified copy of the Death Certificate with a copy of your completed claim form and any Tax Invoice/ Receipts to Coverforce using the details below;
    • Fax: (02) 9223 1422
    • Email:
    • Post: Locked Bag 5273, Sydney NSW 2001
    • Alternately, you can deliver your claim documents in person to your local Coverforce or AMWU office.

Journey Accident Insurance

The following steps should be completed as soon as possible after your accident or sustaining an injury.

  1. Notify your employer of your accident or injury
  2. Lodge a Workers Compensation Claim
  3. Complete a Journey Accident Insurance Claim Form
  4. Send your completed claim form along with all supporting documentation of your incident such as police reports and witness statements to Coverforce using the details below;
    • Fax: (02) 9223 1422
    • Email:
    • Post: Locked Bag 5273, Sydney NSW 2001
    • Alternately, you can deliver your documents in person at your local Coverforce or AMWU office.

Need further assistance?

If you require any assistance when completing your claim form, please contact your Service Team directly.
Coverforce will keep you updated as your claim is being processed and will notify you of the results once a decision has been made.

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