Smart Insurance Solutions for AMWU Members

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Financial Members of the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU).
No. If you fail to pay your Union fees you are unfinancial and no longer covered by the AMWU Journey Accident Cover. You must be a financial member of the union at all times.
The AMWU Journey Accident Cover will cover you for 85% of your weekly wage, up to a maximum of $1,500 per week.
There is a waiting period of 14 days during which no benefit is payable.

  • Put in a workers’ compensation claim with your employer
  • Fill out a claim for AMWU Journey Accident Cover
  • Arrange to see the Union solicitors by contacting the AMWU Help Desk
No. The insurance is part of your membership of the Union.
Some State Liberal Governments have removed a number of protections under the workers’ compensation system and, in some States, most journey claims are no longer covered under workers’ compensation legislation. The Union wants to make sure that its members have some basic income protection if they are injured travelling to and from work.
Your AMWU Journey Accident Cover commences from the time the financial member undertakes direct travel to and from work and ceases upon arrival at either their normal place of residence or employment, whichever is your destination.
Weekly Benefits are paid directly to the member making the claim.
As there is a 14 day waiting period you may want to use sick pay or annual leave/rdo’s accruals during this period. Following the first 14 day waiting period, if you are eligible, income benefits will be paid to you.
No. Rehabilitation costs are not payable under this policy.
You are not entitled to get paid twice for the same loss of income. The Insurer will share the costs with your other income protection policy provider.
If you make a claim, and you meet the terms of the policy, after the 14 day waiting period, and your doctor verifies that you are expected to remain off work for longer than two weeks, then your income benefits under this Policy will be paid to you fortnightly in advance. Of course, if you return to work earlier after receiving an advance payment, then the Insurer will seek to recover the excess payment.
If you do, it will reduce the benefit payable to you under the AMWU Journey Accident Cover. For example, if an Insured person uses 2 days of their sick leave, then the Insurer will only pay 85% of the remaining 3 days income that you would have earned, had you remained at work.
There are aspects of the workers’ compensation systems which are unclear. Some situation may still be covered by workers’ compensation and therefore in the first instance, an attempt must be made to gain coverage under workers’ compensation. Your rights and entitlements are substantially better under workers compensation legislation, as your medical expenses will be covered and you may have other benefits due to you.
If you wish to make a claim under the AMWU Journey Accident Cover, you will also be required to see the Union solicitors to determine whether there is also a workers’ compensation or other claim. This consultation is free of charge. This is to ensure if you have other rights either under workers’ compensation or motor accidents schemes, it is important that you are properly advised and assisted.
If all the paperwork is submitted properly, it is not expected this will delay your claim. A workers’ compensation claim must usually be determined within 7 days and the AMWU Journey Accident Insurance claim will take a few additional days. Coverforce will endeavour to process your claim efficiently so as not to cause any unnecessary delay.
If you have a workers’ compensation or traffic accident claim, then you will not be entitled to claim Journey Accident cover as well. If a member who receives Journey Accident cover is successful in a claim for workers compensation, or a motor accidents claim, then Coverforce is entitled to be reimbursed for any Journey Accident cover benefits paid.
You can download a claims form which has been listed on the downloads page or for further assistance you can contact your service team . You will need to have your doctor complete the medical section and provide other documentation such as your payslips and a police report if applicable.
No – the claimant should keep funds aside for tax as tax is not withheld. It is recommended that you obtain taxation advice from your accountant in relation to claim payments.

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