As a business owner, extending credit to customers can expose you to the risk of delayed or non-payment, defaults or insolvency which can put significant strain on your cash flow and overall financial stability. This can be especially challenging for businesses that rely heavily on credit sales or have a broad customer base.
Without adequate protection, the financial consequences of unpaid invoices can be severe, affecting the business’s ability to operate and grow.
What is Trade Credit Insurance?
Trade Credit Insurance is designed to help safeguard businesses against the risk of non-payment from customers. It covers losses resulting from customer insolvency, bankruptcy, or default on payments, helping ensure that your business's cash flow remains stable even when a customer is unable or unwilling to pay their debt.
Trade Credit Insurance is also an effective risk management tool that can:
- Protect and improve your “cash-flow”
- Enhance your balance sheet, optimise working capital and reduce the cost of finance
- Increase your sales and profitability
- Improve and strengthen your credit control and management procedures
Easyliner: Trade Credit Solution
EasyLiner is an all-inclusive trade credit insurance product for small to medium sized businesses. It helps to protect you against unpaid invoices at home or abroad, while keeping an eye on your budget. Plus, it makes the process simple and effective with instant online quoting and an efficient online management tool
How does it work?
EasyLiner protects your cash flow and saves you valuable time, resources and money. It includes 3 key features to ensure your trade receivables are effectively and safely managed.
- Collection of unpaid invoices: Skilled and effective debt collectors will handle your unpaid invoices in Australia and/or overseas. They will strive to preserve the quality of your relationships with your customers at all times.
- Information to make informed decisions: Each of your buyers will be assessed for credit worthiness to help you make the right credit decisions and reduce the chances of unpaid debts.
- Cash-flow replacement: If collection fails, you will be reimbursed.
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Coverforce are one of the few insurance brokers in Australia who have an experienced, in-house Trade Credit team. We provide tailored insurance solutions at competitve rates for businesses both in Australia and overseas.
For more information or to speak to our team about arranging cover, please don't hesitate to reach out on 1300 503 503. Alternatively, you can simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you in 1 business day.
Alternatively, you can simply fill out a Trade Credit Insurance Quote form below and one of our insurance brokers will get in touch with you within one business day.
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