Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Insurance

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Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) play a vital role in shaping skilled workforces. They are tasked with delivering vocational education and training, while meeting strict regulatory standards set by authorities. They are also responsible for maintaining accreditation, ensuring quality education and assessment practices, and adapting training programs according to industry needs.

Providing inaccurate or misleading training can not only hinder the learning and career development of students but could also pose a threat to public safety in a number of critical professions such as healthcare or engineering.

What is Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Insurance?

RTO Insurance is a policy designed to protect RTOs and Training Consultants in their pursuit of delivering a variety of training courses. These parties are responsible for all quality assurance requirementsin relation to the delivery of training, assessment, and certification under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

The policy is a combined Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability policy which was created to address potential gaps in coverage that may arise if policies are placed separately. It offers coverage for financial loss, injury and/or damage to a third party due to the failure of products, services and advice.

By using a combined package that meets the requirements of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) you have the benefits of tailoring your insurances in the one convenient package.

Some of the key exposures for RTOs can include:

  • Failing to understand or manage the learning or training needs of clients
  • Recommending inadequate education and training programs
  • Providing inadequate training
  • Incorrect assessments
  • Inappropriate evaluations of education and training programs
  • Breaches of confidentiality
  • Failing to adhere to the training delivery requirements of the AQTF
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How Coverforce Can Help

Our team of experienced insurance brokers are here to help. We can provide expert risk management advice and help you find the right insurance policy tailored to your specific needs and budget.

For more information or to arrange cover for your business, please contact us.

Alternatively, you can simply fill out a Registered Training Organisation Insurance Quote form below and one of our insurance brokers will get in touch with you within one business day.

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Our brokers can access more than 100 insurers across the globe to find your business quality cover at the right price.

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